Developmental milestones (0-9 months)
Two weeks
- Stays awake for a few minutes or more several times each day.
- Grasps with hands when something is placed in her hand.
- Grasps with toes when something brushes against the sole of her foot.
- Startles easily with both arms extended when moved quickly or surprised by a loud sound.
- Opens eyes, but crosses them frequently.
- Seems comforted by your touch and voice.
Two months
- Smiles in response to your face and voice.
- Fixes her eyes on you for a moment, but prefers to look at simple black-and-white patterns.
- Coos (makes sweet little “baby noises”) in addition to crying.
- Hands and toes grasp well.
- Startles, but less easily then before.
Four months
- Moves head side to side.
- Holds head steady in a sitting position.
- Pushes up on her chest while lying on the floor.
- Brings hands together.
- Opens hands partly or completely.
- Holds onto a toy that is placed in her hand.
- Puts a toy up to her mouth.
- Reaches with both arms.
- Holds a bottle or breast during feeding.
- Plays with her hands/fingers.
- Coos.
- Laughs and smiles.
- Makes sounds when looking at things or people.
- Tracks slow-moving object with her eyes.
Six months
- Stands on both legs while you hold her hands.
- Rolls at least one direction.
- Sits momentarily (often leaning forward on her hands).
- Reaches for and grabs a toy.
- Holds a block with one hand.
- Rakes at a small object with her hand.
- Tracks objects by sight and sound.
- Makes many vocal sounds.
- Can differentiate the faces of loved ones and strangers.
- Both eyes track together at all times.
- No longer crosses eyes unless she’s looking at a near object.
Nine months
- Sits unsupported for several minutes.
- Rolls over in both directions.
- Gets into a knee/hand crawling position.
- Stands beside a low table or crib rail while holding on.
- Uses her thumb to help pick up small things, called a “pincer” grasp.
- Babbles sounds with consonants like “da” and “ba.”
- Turns to see a sound.
- Knows her name.