Mothers are truly inspiring. At Eugene Pediatrics, we see moms every day who inspire us. Women who make us laugh and cry….and feel proud of our X chromosomes!
We see moms who:
- bring their sick child to the doctor even when mom is way sicker than baby
- valiantly give birth even when the perfect birth plan went to heck minutes into labor
- look beautiful even when covered in urine, poo, and spit up
- omnisciently save their mischievous toddler from accidental death 100 times a day
- allow their husbands to feel heard even when they make unhelpful suggestions about breastfeeding after mom stayed up all night nursing a hungry newborn and dad slept through it all
- act like it doesn’t hurt when their 13 year old says something mean about their mom to us in front of their mom
- meet the needs of a bunch of kids simultaneously with grace and humor
- teach us to be better parents and people ourselves
Thank you to all of our moms at this practice. We appreciate and admire you. We wish you all a very Happy Mother’s Day!