If you have already adopted

Call 541-HUG-KIDS (or 541-484-5437)  to make a get-acquainted visit with us. We are excited to meet you and your child! Please bring all of the medical records you have for your child to your first visit, so we may help you decide if your new family member needs:

  • Immunizations. We will discuss whether your child needs any vaccines to stay healthy, especially if yours was an international adoption.
  • Medical tests. If needed, we will test for infections, anemia (low blood count), lead exposure, heart defects or other medical problems indicated in your child’s records, or detected during our first physical examination of your child.
  • Medications. Neither Eugene nor Springfield adds fluoride to its water, so children under age 12 will be offered a prescription for fluoride when we see them. Some adopted children arrive in their permanent home after being prescribed a variety of medicines. We will want to review those with you to determine whether she needs to continue them, change doses, or stop them.
  • Specialty medical care. If you have adopted a child with special medical needs, Eugene Pediatric Associates is here to help you find the specialists you and your child need to support her physical and emotional development.


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Adoption – Questions, resources and support

Could you be an adoptive parent? Is it right for you? Is this the right time of life for you to adopt? Do you want to do a domestic or international adoption? Infant or older child? These are just a few of the myriad of questions you will consider as you begin the journey of adoption.